A full management plan has to be developed for the study and cultural management of large and complex (abandoned) sites where non-destructive methods of survey are applicable and on-site presentation of the past can be envisaged. Based on the work of all Consortium partners in and around the field lab of Ammaia, but also taking into consideration cultural management applications from elsewhere in Europe, an original management plan and flow chart of operations should be designed, which can then be of use all over Europe.
This plan should comprise such aspects as: the problematic contact zone between archaeology and landscape planning, the evaluation of the effects of archaeological investigations on today’s land use, the difficult relationship between large scale infrastructural projects and archaeological heritage management, the implementation of a policy for archaeological management by smaller communities and local government, the heritage marketing of large archaeological sites, the development of tourist oriented and educational programs, the development of a protection policy for archaeological areas and training programs in archaeological project management and cultural heritage policies for archaeological sites.
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